Setting up RabbitMQ on mac with silicon chip(m1).
If you are here, it means you are struggling with installing and running rabbitMQ on your mac with m1 chip. Seriously, I’ve been here my friend, I have spend much time to find a relevant solution that can fix my problem.
I tried multiple things as suggested on Quora or StackOverflow, but they just don’t work and there was no proper documentation on official website on how to make it work.
After searching for many hours i came to realize that the easiest way to setup rabbitMQ on m1 chip mac is using docker.
Here are the simple steps to do that:
docker pull rabbitmq:3-management
First we pull image from docker hub. That you can do just pasting the above command in your terminal.
Then we need to link the ports and start the server.
docker run --rm -it -p 15672:15672 -p 5672:5672 rabbitmq:3-management
That’s it guys, we have a running rabbitMQ server in our local.
It is fast and reliable.
If you are still facing some issue , Please paste your errors below and we’ll try to find a relevant solution to that.
You need to have docker setup before you can start using the above commands, you can simple download docker from here.
You can check if docker is running by just typing command in your terminal like:
docker -v
It should return the current version of your docker.