Mindset of an entrepreneur.

We’ll here we are, Finally thinking about getting out of the rat race and start working for ourself and serving the world where our efforts can be acknowledged and rewarding.
Most beautiful part of an entrepreneur life is the journey, The high and the lows, the yeses and the noes, the long frustrating meeting, that not so convincing clients and so on. But the good part is that these things doesn't matter once you crossed a certain level.
Here I’ll try to elaborate few of the points that i think will make you one step ahead of others.
NOTE: I’m on the same journey and following these steps to achieve what i believe is worthy of me.
- Persistence
- Hard work
- Patience
- Routine
- Believer
An entrepreneur always think of the bigger picture. Some times it is hard to be the boss. You have to take responsibility of the mess created by someone else. There are time when you thought about quitting, but keep going. Successful people have one thing in common, despite of the downfalls in their carrer, they have always been persistent. Remember “There is light at the end of the tunnel”

Hard Work
There are no shortcuts, i have tried, there are none. You have to pay the price. Every time you think this will save my time and try to take the easy road, it will come back to you and you have to pay the price. What goes around comes around. If you do good, you’ll receive good. Hard work always pays off. You need to stay in the course of life and live it like the last day.
‘Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard’

Have a stable mindset. If there are too many thoughts cluttering your mind then try to do meditation(At least 10 min) to put those thoughts to rest and focus on what is important. Patience helped me in more way that i could imagine. Always try to be a good listener, try to understand what others have to offer. Don’t be a reactive person , be a pro active person. In the words of bill gates: “Patience is a key element of success.”

Every famous entrepreneur, athlete, writer you know have a routine. They do things daily that make them obvious in their success. Success is not something that you achieve suddenly one day, it is a continuous process. Once you start experiencing the success , you’ll get addicted to it and keep on following the routine. Routine help you achieve what you desire. Successful people, it turns out, often have routines built into their lives. Your routine can be wake up early, do some meditation, exercise, read, etc. It can be anything to organise your day. Routine help you achieve the unachievable. Remember : “Your success is parallel to what kind of person you are.” I’ll recommend a famous book “The miracle morning”.

You have to be a believer, if you are not a believer then you can’t achieve anything in life. You have an idea, believe in it, Live with it. You can achieve anything in life if you believe in it and have a routine to make that believe come true.

Being an entrepreneur is hard if you don’t have a routine and don’t understand the importance of time and discipline. We are all on the journey to achieve personal growth and success. Everyone want’s to be successful but few achieve it because most of the entrepreneurs lack routine, believe, patience, hard work or persistence.
Do let me know what points you think are missed out here and can be added .